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Cross-validation for ptLasso.


  groups = NULL,
  alphalist = seq(0, 1, length = 11),
  family = c("default", "gaussian", "multinomial", "binomial", "cox"), = c("inputGroups", "targetGroups", "multiresponse", "timeSeries"),
  type.measure = c("default", "mse", "mae", "auc", "deviance", "class", "C"),
  nfolds = 10,
  foldid = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  fitoverall = NULL,
  fitind = NULL,
  s = "lambda.min",
  gamma = "gamma.min",
  alphahat.choice = "overall",
  group.intercepts = TRUE,



x matrix as in ptLasso.


y vector or matrix as in ptLasso.


A vector of length nobs indicating to which group each observation belongs. For data with k groups, groups should be coded as integers 1 through k. Only for ' = "inputGroups"'.


A vector of values of the pretraining hyperparameter alpha. Defaults to seq(0, 1, length.out=11). This function will do pretraining for each choice of alpha in alphalist and return the CV performance for each alpha.


Response type as in ptLasso.

The type of grouping observed in the data. Can be one of "inputGroups", "targetGroups", "multiresponse" or "timeSeries".


Measure computed in cv.glmnet, as in ptLasso.


Number of folds for CV (default is 10). Although nfoldscan be as large as the sample size (leave-one-out CV), it is not recommended for large datasets. Smallest value allowable is nfolds = 3.


An optional vector of values between 1 and nfolds identifying what fold each observation is in. If supplied, nfolds can be missing.


If verbose=1, print a statement showing which model is currently being fit.


An optional cv.glmnet object specifying the overall model. This should have been trained on the full training data, with the argument keep = TRUE.


An optional list of cv.glmnet objects specifying the individual models. These should have been trained on the training data, with the argumnet keep = TRUE.


The choice of lambda to be used by all models when estimating the CV performance for each choice of alpha. Defaults to "lambda.min". May be "lambda.1se", or a numeric value. (Use caution when supplying a numeric value: the same lambda will be used for all models.)


For use only when relax = TRUE. The choice of gamma to be used by all models when estimating the CV performance for each choice of alpha. Defaults to "gamma.min". May also be "gamma.1se".


When choosing alphahat, we may prefer the best performance using all data (alphahat.choice = "overall") or the best average performance across groups (alphahat.choice = "mean"). This is particularly useful when type.measure is "auc" or "C", because the average performance across groups is different than the performance with the full dataset. The default is "overall".


For ' = "inputGroups"' only. If `TRUE`, fit the overall model with a separate intercept for each group. If `FALSE`, ignore the grouping and fit one overall intercept. Default is `TRUE`.


Additional arguments to be passed to the `cv.glmnet` function. Notable choices include "" and "parallel". If = TRUE, then a progress bar is displayed for each call to cv.glmnet; useful for big models that take a long time to fit. If parallel = TRUE, use parallel foreach to fit each fold. Must register parallel before hand, such as doMC or others. Importantly, "cv.ptLasso" does not support the arguments "intercept", "offset", "fit" and "check.args".


An object of class "cv.ptLasso", which is a list with the ingredients of the cross-validation fit.


The call that produced this object.


Value of alpha that optimizes CV performance on all data.


Vector of values of alpha, the kth of which optimizes performance for group k.


Vector of all alphas that were compared.


CV performance for the overall model.


CV performance for the pretrained models (one for each alpha tried).


CV performance for the individual model.


List of ptLasso objects, one for each alpha tried.


The fitted overall model used for the first stage of pretraining.


The value of lambda used for the first stage of pretraining.


A list containing one individual model for each group.

The use case: "inputGroups" or "targetGroups".


The family used.


The type.measure used.


This function runs ptLasso once for each requested choice of alpha, and returns the cross validated performance.

See also


# Getting started. First, we simulate data: we need covariates x, response y and group IDs.
x = matrix(rnorm(1000*20), 1000, 20)
y = rnorm(1000)
groups = sort(rep(1:5, 200))

xtest = matrix(rnorm(1000*20), 1000, 20)
ytest = rnorm(1000)
groupstest = sort(rep(1:5, 200))

# Model fitting
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, groups = groups, family = "gaussian", type.measure = "mse")
#> Call:  
#> cv.ptLasso(x = x, y = y, groups = groups, family = "gaussian",  
#>     type.measure = "mse", = "inputGroups", group.intercepts = TRUE) 
#> type.measure:  mse 
#>            alpha overall   mean wtdMean group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5
#> Overall           0.9739 0.9739  0.9739  0.8485  0.9735   1.149  0.9145  0.9838
#> Pretrain     0.0  0.9954 0.9954  0.9954  0.8655  0.9953   1.175  0.9458  0.9954
#> Pretrain     0.1  0.9850 0.9850  0.9850  0.8669  0.9724   1.161  0.9347  0.9904
#> Pretrain     0.2  0.9884 0.9884  0.9884  0.8634  0.9695   1.186  0.9330  0.9897
#> Pretrain     0.3  0.9838 0.9838  0.9838  0.8605  0.9724   1.158  0.9422  0.9863
#> Pretrain     0.4  0.9810 0.9810  0.9810  0.8647  0.9615   1.163  0.9306  0.9853
#> Pretrain     0.5  0.9841 0.9841  0.9841  0.8662  0.9766   1.158  0.9261  0.9934
#> Pretrain     0.6  0.9747 0.9747  0.9747  0.8590  0.9571   1.157  0.9232  0.9771
#> Pretrain     0.7  0.9794 0.9794  0.9794  0.8620  0.9679   1.171  0.9181  0.9777
#> Pretrain     0.8  0.9810 0.9810  0.9810  0.8621  0.9784   1.157  0.9230  0.9843
#> Pretrain     0.9  0.9765 0.9765  0.9765  0.8656  0.9730   1.160  0.9191  0.9646
#> Pretrain     1.0  0.9803 0.9803  0.9803  0.8590  0.9759   1.165  0.9312  0.9699
#> Individual        0.9803 0.9803  0.9803  0.8590  0.9759   1.165  0.9312  0.9699
#> alphahat (fixed) = 0.6
#> alphahat (varying):
#> group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5 
#>     0.6     0.6     0.6     0.7     0.9 
plot(cvfit) # to see CV performance as a function of alpha 

predict(cvfit, xtest, groupstest, s="lambda.min") # to predict with held out data
#> Call:  
#> = cvfit, xtest = xtest, groupstest = groupstest,  
#>     s = "lambda.min") 
#> alpha =  0.6 
#> Support size:
#> Overall    3                          
#> Pretrain   9 (0 common + 9 individual)
#> Individual 9                          
predict(cvfit, xtest, groupstest, s="lambda.min", ytest=ytest) # to also measure performance
#> Call:  
#> = cvfit, xtest = xtest, groupstest = groupstest,  
#>     ytest = ytest, s = "lambda.min") 
#> alpha =  0.6 
#> Performance (Mean squared error):
#>            allGroups  mean group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5       r^2
#> Overall        1.141 1.141   1.098   1.136   1.313   1.043   1.115 -0.003342
#> Pretrain       1.148 1.148   1.100   1.177   1.308   1.041   1.116 -0.009888
#> Individual     1.149 1.149   1.100   1.182   1.308   1.041   1.116 -0.010818
#> Support size:
#> Overall    3                          
#> Pretrain   9 (0 common + 9 individual)
#> Individual 9                          

# By default, we used s = "lambda.min" to compute CV performance.
# We could instead use s = "lambda.1se":
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, groups = groups, family = "gaussian", type.measure = "mse",
                   s = "lambda.1se")

# We could have used the glmnet option relax = TRUE:
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, groups = groups, family = "gaussian", type.measure = "mse",
                   relax = TRUE)
# And, as we did with lambda, we may want to specify the choice of gamma to compute CV performance:
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, groups = groups, family = "gaussian", type.measure = "mse",
                   relax = TRUE, gamma = "gamma.1se")

# Note that the first stage of pretraining uses "lambda.1se" and "gamma.1se" by default.
# This behavior can be modified by specifying overall.lambda and overall.gamma;
# see the documentation for ptLasso for more information.

# Now, we are ready to simulate slightly more realistic data.
# This continuous outcome example has k = 5 groups, where each group has 200 observations.
# There are scommon = 10 features shared across all groups, and
# sindiv = 10 features unique to each group.
# n = 1000 and p = 120 (60 informative features and 60 noise features).
# The coefficients of the common features differ across groups (beta.common).
# In group 1, these coefficients are rep(1, 10); in group 2 they are rep(2, 10), etc.
# Each group has 10 unique features, the coefficients of which are all 3 (beta.indiv).
# The intercept in all groups is 0.
# The variable sigma = 20 indicates that we add noise to y according to 20 * rnorm(n). 
class.sizes=rep(200, k)
scommon=10; sindiv=rep(10, k)
n=sum(class.sizes); p=2*(sum(sindiv) + scommon)
beta.common=3*(1:k); beta.indiv=rep(3, k)
intercepts=rep(0, k)
out =, class.sizes=class.sizes,
                            scommon=scommon, sindiv=sindiv,
                            n=n, p=p,
                            beta.common=beta.common, beta.indiv=beta.indiv,
                            intercepts=intercepts, sigma=20)
x = out$x; y=out$y; groups = out$group

outtest =, class.sizes=class.sizes,
                                scommon=scommon, sindiv=sindiv,
                                n=n, p=p,
                                beta.common=beta.common, beta.indiv=beta.indiv,
                                intercepts=intercepts, sigma=20)
xtest=outtest$x; ytest=outtest$y; groupstest=outtest$groups

cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, groups = groups, family = "gaussian", type.measure = "mse")
#> Call:  
#> cv.ptLasso(x = x, y = y, groups = groups, family = "gaussian",  
#>     type.measure = "mse", = "inputGroups", group.intercepts = TRUE) 
#> type.measure:  mse 
#>            alpha overall  mean wtdMean group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5
#> Overall            699.7 699.7   699.7   748.4   501.9   575.6   663.0  1009.9
#> Pretrain     0.0   518.6 518.6   518.6   470.1   471.5   547.0   540.7   563.7
#> Pretrain     0.1   506.0 506.0   506.0   429.7   452.1   538.7   551.1   558.3
#> Pretrain     0.2   495.3 495.3   495.3   393.6   460.6   565.5   530.9   526.1
#> Pretrain     0.3   490.4 490.4   490.4   390.4   436.5   546.3   511.6   567.4
#> Pretrain     0.4   487.5 487.5   487.5   383.7   438.8   545.6   509.4   560.3
#> Pretrain     0.5   481.2 481.2   481.2   364.9   429.7   548.5   513.4   549.7
#> Pretrain     0.6   504.1 504.1   504.1   393.1   460.0   586.4   531.9   549.0
#> Pretrain     0.7   511.5 511.5   511.5   393.2   462.7   584.3   492.9   624.3
#> Pretrain     0.8   509.1 509.1   509.1   382.4   496.2   597.9   503.4   565.6
#> Pretrain     0.9   501.5 501.5   501.5   404.0   481.6   581.9   488.3   552.0
#> Pretrain     1.0   517.1 517.1   517.1   409.1   488.9   612.7   484.7   590.1
#> Individual         517.1 517.1   517.1   409.1   488.9   612.7   484.7   590.1
#> alphahat (fixed) = 0.5
#> alphahat (varying):
#> group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5 
#>     0.5     0.5     0.1     1.0     0.2 
# plot(cvfit) # to see CV performance as a function of alpha 
predict(cvfit, xtest, groupstest, ytest=ytest, s="lambda.min")
#> Call:  
#> = cvfit, xtest = xtest, groupstest = groupstest,  
#>     ytest = ytest, s = "lambda.min") 
#> alpha =  0.5 
#> Performance (Mean squared error):
#>            allGroups  mean group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5    r^2
#> Overall        755.7 755.7   836.0   554.9   565.4   777.9  1044.0 0.5371
#> Pretrain       500.2 500.2   539.0   443.8   553.5   502.5   462.4 0.6936
#> Individual     532.8 532.8   584.1   443.2   567.2   550.5   518.9 0.6736
#> Support size:
#> Overall    64                            
#> Pretrain   92 (21 common + 71 individual)
#> Individual 109                           

# Now, we repeat with a binomial outcome.
# This example has k = 3 groups, where each group has 100 observations.
# There are scommon = 5 features shared across all groups, and
# sindiv = 5 features unique to each group.
# n = 300 and p = 40 (20 informative features and 20 noise features).
# The coefficients of the common features differ across groups (beta.common),
# as do the coefficients specific to each group (beta.indiv).
class.sizes=rep(100, k)
scommon=5; sindiv=rep(5, k)
n=sum(class.sizes); p=2*(sum(sindiv) + scommon)
beta.common=list(c(-.5, .5, .3, -.9, .1), c(-.3, .9, .1, -.1, .2), c(0.1, .2, -.1, .2, .3))
beta.indiv = lapply(1:k, function(i)  0.9 * beta.common[[i]])

out =, class.sizes=class.sizes,
                            scommon=scommon, sindiv=sindiv,
                            n=n, p=p,
                            beta.common=beta.common, beta.indiv=beta.indiv)
x = out$x; y=out$y; groups = out$group

outtest =, class.sizes=class.sizes,
                                scommon=scommon, sindiv=sindiv,
                                n=n, p=p,
                                beta.common=beta.common, beta.indiv=beta.indiv)
xtest=outtest$x; ytest=outtest$y; groupstest=outtest$groups

cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, groups = groups, family = "binomial",
                   type.measure = "auc", nfolds=3, verbose=TRUE, alphahat.choice="mean")
#> alpha= 0
#> Fitting overall model
#> Fitting individual models
#> 	Fitting individual model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting individual model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting individual model 3 / 3
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.1
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.2
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.3
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.4
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.5
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.6
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.7
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.8
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 0.9
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 1 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 2 / 3
#> 	Fitting pretrained model 3 / 3
#> alpha= 1
#> Fitting pretrained lasso models
#> Call:  
#> cv.ptLasso(x = x, y = y, groups = groups, family = "binomial",  
#>     type.measure = "auc", nfolds = 3, verbose = TRUE, alphahat.choice = "mean",  
#> = "inputGroups", group.intercepts = TRUE) 
#> type.measure:  auc 
#>            alpha overall   mean wtdMean group_1 group_2 group_3
#> Overall           0.5715 0.5717  0.5717  0.6933  0.5994  0.4223
#> Pretrain     0.0  0.6272 0.6242  0.6242  0.8001  0.6819  0.3905
#> Pretrain     0.1  0.7223 0.7613  0.7613  0.8574  0.7504  0.6761
#> Pretrain     0.2  0.6486 0.7434  0.7434  0.8224  0.7625  0.6453
#> Pretrain     0.3  0.6919 0.7124  0.7124  0.8391  0.7060  0.5921
#> Pretrain     0.4  0.6665 0.7127  0.7127  0.8191  0.7501  0.5688
#> Pretrain     0.5  0.7311 0.7600  0.7600  0.8223  0.7798  0.6778
#> Pretrain     0.6  0.6856 0.7527  0.7527  0.8370  0.7576  0.6635
#> Pretrain     0.7  0.6641 0.6990  0.6990  0.7963  0.7441  0.5566
#> Pretrain     0.8  0.6637 0.7133  0.7133  0.8131  0.7571  0.5696
#> Pretrain     0.9  0.6741 0.7470  0.7470  0.8367  0.7809  0.6235
#> Pretrain     1.0  0.5882 0.6894  0.6894  0.7896  0.7112  0.5673
#> Individual        0.5882 0.6894  0.6894  0.7896  0.7112  0.5673
#> alphahat (fixed) = 0.1
#> alphahat (varying):
#> group_1 group_2 group_3 
#>     0.1     0.9     0.5 
# plot(cvfit) # to see CV performance as a function of alpha 
predict(cvfit, xtest, groupstest, ytest=ytest, s="lambda.1se")
#> Call:  
#> = cvfit, xtest = xtest, groupstest = groupstest,  
#>     ytest = ytest, s = "lambda.1se") 
#> alpha =  0.1 
#> Performance (AUC):
#>            allGroups   mean wtdMean group_1 group_2 group_3
#> Overall       0.6070 0.6072  0.6072  0.5985  0.6764  0.5467
#> Pretrain      0.6372 0.6383  0.6383  0.6646  0.7061  0.5443
#> Individual    0.6762 0.6435  0.6435  0.6663  0.7644  0.5000
#> Support size:
#> Overall    3                            
#> Pretrain   23 (3 common + 20 individual)
#> Individual 7                            

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
### Model fitting with parallel = TRUE
registerDoMC(cores = 4)
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, groups = groups, family = "binomial",
                   type.measure = "auc", parallel=TRUE)
} # }

# Multiresponse pretraining
# Now let's consider the case of a multiresponse outcome. We'll start by simulating data:
n = 1000; ntrain = 500;
p = 500
sigma = 2
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
beta1 = c(rep(1, 5), rep(0.5, 5), rep(0, p - 10))
beta2 = c(rep(1, 5), rep(0, 5), rep(0.5, 5), rep(0, p - 15))

mu = cbind(x %*% beta1, x %*% beta2)
y  = cbind(mu[, 1] + sigma * rnorm(n), 
           mu[, 2] + sigma * rnorm(n))
cat("SNR for the two tasks:", round(diag(var(mu)/var(y-mu)), 2), fill=TRUE)
#> SNR for the two tasks: 1.6 1.44
cat("Correlation between two tasks:", cor(y[, 1], y[, 2]), fill=TRUE)
#> Correlation between two tasks: 0.5164748

xtest = x[-(1:ntrain), ]
ytest = y[-(1:ntrain), ]

x = x[1:ntrain, ]
y = y[1:ntrain, ]

# Now, we can fit a ptLasso model:
fit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, type.measure = "mse", = "multiresponse")
plot(fit) # to see the cv curve.

predict(fit, xtest) # to predict with new data
#> Call:  
#> = fit, xtest = xtest) 
#> alpha =  0.2 
#> Support size:
#> Overall    57                           
#> Pretrain   23 (19 common + 4 individual)
#> Individual 80                           
predict(fit, xtest, ytest=ytest) # if ytest is included, we also measure performance
#> Call:  
#> = fit, xtest = xtest, ytest = ytest) 
#> alpha =  0.2 
#> Performance (Mean squared error):
#>            allGroups  mean response_1 response_2
#> Overall        9.394 4.697      4.227      5.168
#> Pretrain       8.907 4.453      4.186      4.721
#> Individual     9.465 4.733      4.243      5.222
#> Support size:
#> Overall    57                           
#> Pretrain   23 (19 common + 4 individual)
#> Individual 80                           
# By default, we used s = "lambda.min" to compute CV performance.
# We could instead use s = "lambda.1se":
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, type.measure = "mse", s = "lambda.1se", = "multiresponse")

# We could also use the glmnet option relax = TRUE:
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, type.measure = "mse", relax = TRUE, = "multiresponse")
# And, as we did with lambda, we may want to specify the choice of gamma to compute CV performance:
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, type.measure = "mse", relax = TRUE, gamma = "gamma.1se",
          = "multiresponse")

# Time series pretraining
# Now suppose we have time series data with a binomial outcome measured at 3 different time points.
n = 600; ntrain = 300; p = 50
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)

beta1 = c(rep(0.25, 10), rep(0, p-10))
beta2 = beta1 + c(rep(0.1, 10), runif(5, min = -0.25, max = 0), rep(0, p-15))
beta3 = beta1 + c(rep(0.2, 10), runif(5, min = -0.25, max = 0),
                  runif(5, min = 0, max = 0.1), rep(0, p-20))

y1 = rbinom(n, 1, prob = 1/(1 + exp(-x %*% beta1)))
y2 = rbinom(n, 1, prob = 1/(1 + exp(-x %*% beta2)))
y3 = rbinom(n, 1, prob = 1/(1 + exp(-x %*% beta3)))
y = cbind(y1, y2, y3)

xtest = x[-(1:ntrain), ]
ytest = y[-(1:ntrain), ]

x = x[1:ntrain, ]
y = y[1:ntrain, ]

cvfit =  cv.ptLasso(x, y,"timeSeries", family="binomial",
plot(cvfit, plot.alphahat = TRUE)

predict(cvfit, xtest, ytest=ytest)
#> Call:  
#> = cvfit, xtest = xtest, ytest = ytest) 
#> alpha =  0.8 
#> Performance (AUC):
#>              mean response_1 response_2 response_3
#> Pretrain   0.7093     0.6731     0.7165     0.7383
#> Individual 0.7042     0.6731     0.7116     0.7279
#> Support size:
#> Pretrain   39 (21 common + 18 individual)
#> Individual 39                            

# The glmnet option relax = TRUE:
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x, y, type.measure = "auc", family = "binomial", relax = TRUE,
          = "timeSeries")