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#> Loading required package: ptLasso
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Loading required package: glmnet
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loaded glmnet 4.1-8
#> Loading required package: gridExtra


Now we turn to the target grouped setting, where we have a dataset with a multinomial outcome and no other grouping on the observations. For example, our data might look like the following:


n = 500; p = 75; k = 3
X = matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
y = sample(1:k, n, replace = TRUE)

Xtest = matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)

Each row in XX belongs to class 1, 2 or 3, and we wish to predict class membership. We could fit a single multinomial model to the data:

multinomial = cv.glmnet(X, y, family = "multinomial")

multipreds  = predict(multinomial, Xtest, s = "lambda.min")
multipreds.class = apply(multipreds, 1, which.max)

Or, we could fit 3 one-vs-rest models; at prediction time, we would assign observations to the class with the highest probability.

class1 = cv.glmnet(X, y == 1, family = "binomial")
class2 = cv.glmnet(X, y == 2, family = "binomial")
class3 = cv.glmnet(X, y == 3, family = "binomial")

ovrpreds = cbind(
  predict(class1, Xtest, s = "lambda.min"),
  predict(class2, Xtest, s = "lambda.min"),
  predict(class3, Xtest, s = "lambda.min"))
ovrpreds.class = apply(ovrpreds, 1, which.max)

Another alternative is to do pretraining, which fits something in between one model for all data and three separate models. ptLasso will do this for you, using the arguments family = "multinomial" and = "targetGroups".

fit = ptLasso(X, y, groups = y, alpha = 0.5,
              family = "multinomial", 
     = "targetGroups")

But what exactly is pretraining doing here? We’ll walk through an example, doing pretraining “by hand”. The steps are:

  1. Train an overall model: a multinomial model using a penalty on the coefficients β\beta so that each coefficient is either 0 or nonzero for all classes.
  2. Train individual one-vs-rest models using the penalty factor and offset defined by the overall model (as in the input grouped setting).

To train the overall model, we use cv.glmnet with type.multinomial = "grouped". This puts a penalty on β\beta to force coefficients to be in or out of the model for all classes. This is analogous to the overall model in the input grouped setting: we want to first learn shared information.

multinomial = cv.glmnet(X, y, family = "multinomial", 
                        type.multinomial = "grouped",
                        keep = TRUE)

Then, we fit 3 one-vs-rest models using the support and offset from the multinomial model.

# The support of the overall model:
nonzero.coefs = which((coef(multinomial, s = "lambda.1se")[[1]] != 0)[-1])

# The offsets - one for each class:
offset = predict(multinomial, X, s = "lambda.1se")
offset.class1 = offset[, 1, 1]
offset.class2 = offset[, 2, 1]
offset.class3 = offset[, 3, 1]

Now we have everything we need to train the one-vs-rest models. As always, we have the pretraining parameter α\alpha - for this example, let’s use α=0.5\alpha = 0.5:

alpha = 0.5
penalty.factor = rep(1/alpha, p)
penalty.factor[nonzero.coefs] = 1

class1 = cv.glmnet(X, y == 1, family = "binomial", 
                   offset = (1-alpha) * offset.class1,
                   penalty.factor = penalty.factor)
class2 = cv.glmnet(X, y == 2, family = "binomial", 
                   offset = (1-alpha) * offset.class2,
                   penalty.factor = penalty.factor)
class3 = cv.glmnet(X, y == 3, family = "binomial", 
                   offset = (1-alpha) * offset.class3,
                   penalty.factor = penalty.factor)

And we’re done with pretraining! To predict, we again assign each row to the class with the highest prediction:

newoffset = predict(multinomial, X, s = "lambda.1se")
ovrpreds = cbind(
  predict(class1, Xtest, s = "lambda.min", newoffset = newoffset[, 1, 1]),
  predict(class2, Xtest, s = "lambda.min", newoffset = newoffset[, 2, 1]),
  predict(class3, Xtest, s = "lambda.min", newoffset = newoffset[, 3, 1])
ovrpreds.class = apply(ovrpreds, 1, which.max)

This is all done automatically within ptLasso; we will now show an example using the ptLasso functions. The example above is intended only to show how pretraining works for multinomial outcomes, and some technical details have been omitted. (For example, ptLasso takes care of crossfitting between the first and second steps.)


First, let’s simulate multinomial data with 5 classes. We start by drawing XX from a normal distribution (uncorrelated features), and then we shift the columns differently for each group.


n = 500; p = 50; k = 5
class.sizes = rep(n/k, k)
ncommon = 10; nindiv = 5;
shift.common = seq(-.2, .2, length.out = k)
shift.indiv  = seq(-.1, .1, length.out = k)

x     = matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
xtest = matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
y = ytest = c(sapply(1:length(class.sizes), function(i) rep(i, class.sizes[i])))

start = ncommon + 1
for (i in 1:k) {
  end = start + nindiv - 1
  x[y == i, 1:ncommon] = x[y == i, 1:ncommon] + shift.common[i]
  x[y == i, start:end] = x[y == i, start:end] + shift.indiv[i]
  xtest[ytest == i, 1:ncommon] = xtest[ytest == i, 1:ncommon] + shift.common[i]
  xtest[ytest == i, start:end] = xtest[ytest == i, start:end] + shift.indiv[i]
  start = end + 1

The calls to ptLasso and cv.ptLasso are almost the same as in the input grouped setting, only now we specify = "targetGroups". The call to predict does not require a groups argument because the groups are unknown at prediction time.

# Fit the pretrained model.
# By default, ptLasso uses type.measure = "deviance", but for ease of
# interpretability, we use type.measure = "class" (the misclassification rate).
fit = ptLasso(x = x, y = y, 
     = "targetGroups", type.measure = "class")

# Predict
predict(fit, xtest, ytest = ytest)
#> Call:  
#> predict.ptLasso(object = fit, xtest = xtest, ytest = ytest) 
#> alpha =  0.5 
#> Performance (Misclassification error):
#>            overall   mean group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5
#> Overall      0.738                                               
#> Pretrain     0.728 0.2000   0.200     0.2     0.2     0.2   0.200
#> Individual   0.736 0.1984   0.196     0.2     0.2     0.2   0.196
#> Support size:
#> Overall    29                           
#> Pretrain   23 (23 common + 0 individual)
#> Individual 32

# Fit with CV to choose the alpha parameter
cvfit = cv.ptLasso(x = x, y = y,
     = "targetGroups", type.measure = "class")

# Predict using one alpha for all classes
predict(cvfit, xtest, ytest = ytest)
#> Call:  
#> = cvfit, xtest = xtest, ytest = ytest) 
#> alpha =  0.9 
#> Performance (Misclassification error):
#>            overall   mean group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5
#> Overall      0.738                                               
#> Pretrain     0.722 0.1992     0.2     0.2     0.2     0.2   0.196
#> Individual   0.742 0.2000     0.2     0.2     0.2     0.2   0.200
#> Support size:
#> Overall    39                           
#> Pretrain   32 (23 common + 9 individual)
#> Individual 36

# Predict using a separate alpha for each class
predict(cvfit, xtest, ytest = ytest, alphatype = "varying")
#> Call:  
#> = cvfit, xtest = xtest, ytest = ytest,  
#>     alphatype = "varying") 
#> alpha =  0.1 0 0.7 0 0.1 
#> Performance (Misclassification error):
#>            overall   mean group_1 group_2 group_3 group_4 group_5
#> Overall      0.738                                               
#> Pretrain     0.742 0.2016   0.208     0.2     0.2   0.202   0.198
#> Individual   0.742 0.2000   0.200     0.2     0.2   0.200   0.200
#> Support size:
#> Overall    39                            
#> Pretrain   36 (23 common + 13 individual)
#> Individual 36